Spicy chickpea and octopus soup

Another Arabic/Moroccan inspired soup follows the first one, but this time with seafood. This soup can be made with fish or other seafood without any changes, just adjust the cooking times to the right ingredients. In fact, it is not a bad change to replace the fish with chicken, although in this case the character…

Rogan Josh

This time, we’ll be looking at another popular Indian curry. The English-sounding name is actually a combination of two Persian words: rogan means oil and josh means hot. Originally brought to India by the Mughals, it was in Kashmir that the rogan josh was first adapted. This type of curry is originally made from sheep…

Pizza rolls

Every week or two, I surprise my family with a sweet or savoury pastry for weekend breakfasts. While the traditional cinnamon rolls are still popular, the pizza roll is the all time favourite. It’s just a little extra work to prepare compared to the cocoa or cinnamon filled version, but the result speaks for itself….

San Francisco Clam Chowder

San Francisco has many local specialities, thanks to the diverse international “field” of people who populate the city centre. It would be hard to list them all; Chinese, Italian, Japanese and of course American influences are mixed together to create some very unique combinations. One of these was Clam Chowder, which was served in practically…

Zucchini and eggplant casserole

The recipe is not mine this time, but my wife’s who makes this dish with relative regularity. Eggplants and zucchini are the two main characters, and they are two of my favourite vegetables. This is paired with some tomatoes, onions, lots of cheese, and cooked rice, which make the whole thing filling, but not at…


The Scots call this soup cock-a-leekie, and perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a one-dish meal, it’s so filling. I originally approached this dish with some scepticism, as I do with anything that mixes fruit with something more savoury. But my concerns were unfounded and the soup turned out to be delicious….


An old post from my mother, who can make the best ‘langos’. Langos (pronunciates as lan-gosh) is a staple street food in Hungary. During the old(er) days you could buy one on every corner but it is still popular. You can eat it ’empty’ , with garlic, sour cream, cheese or even with more complex…

My (kaiser) buns

We’ve been avoiding shop-bought baked goods for a while now. Since about the time we had a bakery in our “shop” and I was able to look behind the scenes, we decided to bake our own bread instead. And since my son’s sandwiches are better served with a bun, I started developing my own recipe….

Coconut-melon chicken

This recipe was originally written by my father, translated by me. Fresh fruit are great for cooking. The offer a way to achieve special flavours. Writing up the previous recipe inspired me to adapt a tried and tested and basically delicious recipe. So there you have it. We really liked it. It had a special…

Apple pork slices

This recipe was written originally by my father. After repeated requests from the family, who always liked it, I decided to add this dish to the list. Many years ago, we came across a very good recipe that used apple as an alternative to the traditional pork preparation. This completely changed the flavour of the…

Cucumber soup with yoghurt

After returning home from the US, I was craving something light to eat. Since this soup had been maturing for a long time, it was the choice today. Brigi wanted to make it most of all, but she didn’t have time, so I took over. Cucumber soup with yoghurt itself is basically a Middle Eastern…

Stir fried chicken curry

Or long live the fusion cuisine, which in this case brings together two eastern blocks. 🙂 Stir frying is the Chinese solution for quick cooking. Basically, it’s the process of tossing meat or vegetables in a wok with a little oil, then shaking and tossing them to keep them from sticking. If necessary (e.g. in…

Lasagne with zucchini

Although we’re not going to do many pasta dishes (I’ve already explained why), here’s a lasagna creation as an exception. Contrary to any belief, lasagne is a heavy dish, so a glass of fine rose wine won’t hurt. Lasagne with zucchini 12 lasagna sheets0,5kg mixed beef and pork mince (or beef mince)2 small zucchini cut…

Pollo de Veracruz (Chicken from Veracruz)

Here’s another Mexican dish, this time of the only slightly hotter variety 🙂 In fact, this recipe can be easily modified by substituting the strong chilli with some light green pepper. This will only slightly alter the character of Pollo de Veracruz, which will be more defined by the olives, capers and tomatoes anyway. The…

Broccoli soup with cheese toast

Broccoli is an ancient cauliflower, physiologically enriched with a range of beneficial substances that catapult this bizarre-looking plant into the favourites of those who follow a healthy lifestyle. The taste is slightly bitter, rich in flavour and free from all the bad qualities of cauliflower – this is mostly a subjective opinion, as I personally…

Miso soup

As an accompaniment to sushi lunches but also on its own, miso soup can be an interesting adventure. Why am I saying this? Well, mainly because you will get a glimpse of a whole new world of flavours when you taste miso. It is a soup that is unlike any other soup in the world,…

Sushi II

It was a long time ago when I put up a post about Sushi as one of the first entries. (For those of you who missed it, you can find it >>here<< ) Since I was home alone today (my wife went out singing), I decided to have another sushi day today and make as…

Kheema Mattar

Instead of the original title, I could have written minced meat curry with green peas, but that wouldn’t be a catchy name. 🙂 It is a type of curry made from minced beef or lamb. The way it is made is pretty much the same as the usual way of making curry, although the seasoning…

Coconut spinach soup

Another green soup incoming, this time from somewhere in Southeast Asia. With something quite interesting, pleasant smelling and looking spectacular, it could be a great alternative to spinach stew (which I do like). It takes just a few minutes to prepare, requires no extra ingredients (apart from coconut milk, perhaps, but that’s easy to get)…

Leek pie

If you’ve been following my recipes for a long time, you’ll easily be able to answer the question of which vegetables are my favourites. Indeed; some vegetables I can’t resist, they are more likely to end up in the dish if I find them in the fridge at home (unless I have some other plan…

Leek soup with carrots and potatoes

And with other things. 🙂 Here’s another soup that’s been created as an evolution of a basic recipe, adding a little bonus to the existing base… just enough to make the dish really punchy. The base of the soup is a smooth cream soup made from leeks, carrots and potatoes, roughly simmered in a smooth…

Phoenix Wolf’s roast beef

There you go, another “named” food. That wasn’t my intention, really. I was originally going to cook beef burgundy (well, sort of, with my easy recipe-following discipline), but somewhere in the middle I realized that I won’t be be able to do that because one of the key components – bacon this time – is…

French onion soup

Well, finally a recipe that I suspect everyone knows and will comment on 🙂 This is the most common and well-known of the various onion soups I make, which I also make a little differently than the official recipe. Without further words let’s see how it’s made. French onion soup 6 large heads of onion,…

Chilli con Carne

There was already a recipe for chilli beans, but now I’m giving you the original… Well, it would be hard to say if there is one, and if so, what the original chilli con carne recipe is. Because it is a dish that is quite common and varied enough to have many variations, some of…

Lentil soup – Phoenix Wolf style

A little explanation of the title. You could call this soup many different things, but smoked lentil soup, or ginger lentil soup, or whatever, doesn’t really capture the character of this dish. And bacon, ginger, coriander lentil soup would be a bit long… It all started when I started cooking. Really 🙂 Only this time…

Nice salad

Since I had some celery stalks left in the fridge, I made a little Nice salad (LOL, this time Nice refers to the French city) to go with the Jamaican tenderloins. This salad is not my own creation, but there have been modifications. Since I didn’t have any turmeric at home…actually, I don’t know where…

Jamaican tenderloin

A great dish with a unique flavour will be on the table this time, bringing a great Caribbean atmosphere to your lunch. You can prepare it in a simple grill pan or even a plain pan, but this dish can be one of the stars of any barbecue. Due to its nature, you can use…

Cajun corn soup

The following rather typical Cajun dish almost speaks for itself: a very thick, very filling, spicy, sometimes hot, but still mild, harmonious soup that can be eaten as a side dish. Of the three types of corn soup I cook, this is the most delicious and takes the longest to make. Cajun corn soup 2…

Corn cream soup

Maize is a very useful vegetable. It is also an indispensable accompaniment to a variety of salads, creams and many Mexican dishes. It is therefore often on our table, although fresh is hard to come by, leaving us with tinned corn. The Mexican corn soup presented earlier is half-blended, this corn soup, on the other…

Lettuce soup with spring onions

Another contender in the green soups category, this time a surprisingly green one, like the ruccola soup. Mostly it looks like my mother’s spinach soup, but thinner … and tastes a bit different. Lettuce isn’t used much in local cuisine, or even internationally, for anything other than salads. The leaves are stripped and then go…